Join our movement now! WE Are AMERICA!
This site was just started on 4 July 2020.. In my opinion it should have been started a VERY long time ago.
This site was just started on 4 July 2020.. In my opinion it should have been started a VERY long time ago.
I have been asked before, "What are you talking about when you say American values" My answer of course is LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.
Are there any others??
Yes, the people creating division have worked very hard to obscure, distract and even redefine what WE are as a nation. Even the people WE elected!
All our lives we have watched as both our elected officials and activists have divided us into individual groups and factions. The media, on both sides of any of the issues, has been accomplice to this same division. I say it is time to STOP.
We The People are all Americans! We are all entitled to the same rights and privileges. It is time to stop the division and start coming together! United in one mission. That mission is to be the best that We can possibly be! The shining lighthouse on the horizon, one that has guided and will continue to guide those in search of the opportunity to achieve their dreams and work together with their fellow man.
I encourage all of you to get involved!
"All politics are local"
That is a quote that has been associated with former Speaker of the house Tip O'Neill
While I doubt that he was actually the first person to say or think that, it is a very true statement. For a true Grassroots movement YOU have to be involved. Voting is not enough..
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